There is no evidence that homosexuality was universally recognized ... The Greeks never "canonized" the physical act of sodomy ... With a more detailed analysis, the widespread practice of ridicule and aversion to homosexuals becomes apparent. (Karlen 1977, p. 33, 35).
Of those who indulged in passion, no one was more disgusted than the class of sexual degenerates known as katapugons or kinaidoi (Davidson 1998, p. 167).
The image of kineidos was absolutely negative ... (Clark 2008, p. 22).
Kineidos was perceived as a repulsive person, a pervert in both public and sexual terms (King in porter 1994, p. 30).
[ancient Greeks believed that] anal-genital penetration between adult men was unacceptable ... associated with obscenity and rudeness (Keuls 1995, p. 291, 299).
[ancient Greeks believed that] an adult male who participated in a receptive role in anal-genital penetration lost the status of a man and became effeminate, subject to condemnation and contempt (vanggard 1972, p. 89).
[The ancient Greeks believed that] a man who likes to be anally penetrated by another man is a pervert, a source of potential social unrest, and he should be treated like a woman whose role he takes (Thorton 1997, p. 105).
A passive role in anal-genital penetration was considered humiliating and disgusting. They were called euryproktoi - literally "wide anus" (Garrison 2000, p. 161).
The views in Athens on an adult man who allowed himself to be in a passive role in genital-anal penetration were absolutely negative. Such a person was regarded as a potential spy and enemy of the state, since he had already betrayed his own nature and, therefore, was able to betray the whole society ... ” (Dover 1978, p. 20).