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Anon, haz ejercicio Cientifico 10/09/2022 (Sun) 23:15:28 039d4d No. 121
Genome-wide sperm DNA methylation changes after 3 months of exercise training in humans https://www.futuremedicine.com/doi/10.2217/epi.15.29 >Aim: DNA methylation programs gene expression and is involved in numerous biological processes. Accumulating evidence supports transgenerational inheritance of DNA methylation changes in mammals via germ cells. Our aim was to determine the effect of exercise on sperm DNA methylation. Materials & methods: Twenty-four men were recruited and assigned to an exercise intervention or control group. Clinical parameters were measured and sperm samples were donated by subjects before and after the 3-month time-period. Mature sperm global and genome-wide DNA methylation was assessed using an ELISA assay and the 450K BeadChip (Illumina). Results: Global and genome-wide sperm DNA methylation was altered after 3 months of exercise training. DNA methylation changes occurred in genes related to numerous diseases such as schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease. Conclusions: Our study provides the first evidence showing exercise training reprograms the sperm methylome. Whether these DNA methylation changes are inherited to future generations warrants attention. En simple, el ejercicio aeróbico durante 3 meses alteró el ADN del esperma al "silenciar" los genes relacionados con el riesgo de autismo, alcoholismo, anomalías electrocardiográficas, síndrome de Tourette, TOC, Alzheimer, obesidad, diabetes tipo 2 y aterosclerosis
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>>121 La hueá irrelevante, yo no voy a culiar y mucho menos tener hijos.
>Our study provides the first evidence Está interesante para seguir investigando el tema
>publicado en una revista depredadora jajié con la pseudociencia
>>121 >mcc hago ejercicio todo el tiempo desde hace años pero no voy a tener hijos porque soy un autista de mierda El mundo se va a perder mi semen superior.
>>124 >revista depredadora Explique el término para los legos, por favor.
>>136 Revistas que publican cualquier caca con tal de que pagues la excesiva cuota. Algunas usan nombres y siglas similares a publicaciones populares para engañar a los incautos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ras_VYgA77Q
DEF CON 26 - Svea, Suggy, Till - Inside the Fake Science Factory
Views: 137,866 - 18/09/2018
>>139 ¿Y las pruebas de que esta página en particular es una de ellas?
>>142 Igual el estudio se hizo en 24 tipos
