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Más llorón, más matón Cientifico 05/27/2023 (Sat) 22:01:18 9b2998 No. 506
People with a greater tendency for victimhood are more likely to engage in cyberbullying, according to new research https://www.psypost.org/2023/05/people-who-feel-like-victims-are-more-likely-to-engage-in-cyberbullying-according-to-new-research-163703 >New research provides evidence that people with an elevated sense of victimhood are more likely to engage in cyberbullying. The findings provide a better understanding of how personality traits and authoritarian tendencies are related to abusive behavior on the internet. The study has been published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media. >The study found that both right-wing authoritarianism and left-wing authoritarianism were positively associated with trait victimhood. Greater trait victimhood, in turn, predicted higher levels of cyberbullying >The study has limitations, including its correlational nature and reliance on self-report data. Causal conclusions cannot be drawn, and future research should consider longitudinal assessments to understand developmental paths.
>both right-wing authoritarianism and left-wing authoritarianism were positively associated with trait victimhood Se sabe que los weones serviles y útiles, se creen VISTIMA
>“I would consider myself to be on the political left >“Specifically, parts of the far-left appear to have abandoned principles of free speech and due process and have become obsessed with victimhood and identity. Much of this occurs online and Twitter mobs and other online outrage appeared to have gotten outsized influence in our society. I thought psychology had done a pretty good job understanding right-wing authoritarianism, so I was curious to examine how a culture of left-wing authoritarianism was developing, particularly in online spaces.” >“The modern left has become very efficient at identifying victimhood as a status marker and this isn’t at all a good thing. We should be sensitive to real victims of bad circumstances (natural disasters, war refugees, etc.), but we seem to have a tendency to give victimhood actual moral status,” Ferguson told PsyPost. >“It’s only one study (albeit preregistered), and it would be good to see it replicated,” Ferguson said. “I think there is still much to learn about creeping authoritarianism on the left as psychologists being (like me) mostly leftists have been reluctant to admit it could be a problem. >“I suspect that people who don’t live and work in far-left spaces like academia and (honestly) journalism probably aren’t aware of how bad this has become in some of those spaces,” Ferguson told PsyPost. “Some people refer to a ‘long march’ of quasi-Marxism through our institutions — whether or not ‘Marxism’ is a fair paradigm (and I’m not sure it’s quite as intellectually organized as that), I do suspect there’s some truth to the “long march” idea — which means that rolling it back is also going to take persistent, concerted effort, and we’re going to need to figure out how to do that without tempting authoritarians on the right to do it for us.” tl:dr Profesor izquierda de psicología se esta dando cuenta que la izquierda progre se vuelve autoritaria y censuradora. Imaginen mi sorpresa.
>>506 >progres >de izquierda lol
>>509 >no es verdadera izquierda
>>510 Exacto, no es verdadera izquierda aunque grites o patalees.
>>509 A los izquierdistas clásicos les gusta rechazar a sus hermanos pequeños los progres, negando todo el parentesco.
>>509 >cambiar la guerra de clases por guerra identitaria Es literalmente la misma wea aweonao
no se english, que dise hay
